Advantages of slope stabilization using steel fibers

Any implemented method that seeks to stabilise an unstable or insufficiently stable slope is referred to as slope stabilisation. Slope stabilisation techniques are used to raise a slope’s Factor of Safety to a level that is deemed appropriate. The following major categories are used to classify stabilisation techniques: Removal and defence: removing the unstable material […]
Precast Concrete Lining Segment Performance and Durability Improvements with Fiber Reinforcement

During the construction stage, precast tunnel lining segments are frequently subjected to critical impact and concentrated loads. The edges and corners of segments are typically subjected to significantly higher stresses than the interior. Concrete damages in the form of cracking and spalling are very likely in these surface-near areas under such high-stress concentrations. Steel fibers, […]
Properties of Desired Friction Lining having Steelwool fiber as ingredient of the composite Mix

Level of Friction The coefficient of friction should be high enough to limit the amount of effort required to depress the brake pedal. It should not be so high that it causes grab, lock, or sprag in extreme cases. The rotation of the drum becomes impossible in this situation. The friction material must be compatible […]
Importance of Steelwool fiber in Semi and Low Metallic Friction Linings.

The braking system is an essential component of automotive safety. The durability and quality of the brake pads are critical factors to consider in order for the braking mechanism to function properly. A brake pad is a component of a vehicle that holds the wheel rotation in place so that braking can take place. Binders, […]
Shotcrete Design of Rock Support for closed Mining with Steel Fibers

Different from other civil engineering structures, mine entrances must withstand substantial deformations caused by progressive mining. Steel fibres give concrete and shotcrete ductility, which absorbs rock motions and redistributes loads to boost bearing capacity. Instability in the mine’s surrounding rock threatens both employees and equipment. Failures in the rock surrounding a stope can dilute the […]
Factors affecting FRC’s properties

The efficient passage of stress between and the fibers determines many of the features of FRC. The following variables affect the traits and functionality of the FRC matrix. Fiber type: The combined effects of the fibers and matrix determine the characteristics of fiber composites. The characteristics of a composite depend on the fiber parameters, such […]
Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) – what is it?

Fiber reinforced concrete is Portland cement concrete that has been strengthened with fibers that are more or less randomly positioned. During the mixing process for fiber reinforced concrete, hundreds of tiny fibers are spread and distributed randomly throughout the mixture, increasing the qualities of the concrete in all directions. The pre-crack tensile strength, post-peak ductility […]
Steel Fibre Shotcrete in Tunnelling

1 Initialization With demands for safety, process technological streamlining, and decreasing construction time, which facilitates the use of the material as well as costs, which are saved compared to a conventional reinforced concrete structural solution, the readiness to apply steel fibre shotcrete in tunnelling increases. Steel fibre concrete has the benefit of eliminating the requirement […]
Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) Slab: Design and Considerations

Kasturi Metal Composite (P) Ltd is a leading manufacturer and exporter of a wide assortment of steel fibers. The company’s range includes Duraflex Steel Fibers for concrete reinforcement, Durabond Steel Fibers for friction industry, Polypropylene Fibers for concrete reinforcement, Steel Wool Rolls and Stainless Steel Scrubbers. This ISO 9001:2008 Certified company has a state-of-the-art manufacturing […]
7 Advantages of Using Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

You and your clients should consider the following seven benefits of fiber-reinforced concrete when planning the next concrete-related building project: Cost-Effectiveness: According to the CPTech Center, “fiber-reinforced concrete can provide a sustainable, cost-effective option for the resurfacing and rehabilitation of existing pavements. State DOTs and other engineering groups are rapidly incorporating macro-synthetic fibres into their […]